Pelita Health and Education Journal <p>Pelita Health and Education Journal is a journal published by CV Pelita Medika, a publisher that focuses on health and education. Pelita Health and Education Journal is published twice a year, July and December starting in 2020. Pelita Health and Education Journal was published in English. Expected readers are educator, researcher, medic and paramedic in Indonesia. Every submitted manuscript will be reviewed by at least two peer-reviewers using blind review method</p> Pelita Medika en-US Pelita Health and Education Journal 2722-9912 RELATIONSHIP OF PARENTS ROLE WITH SOCIAL SKILLS OF MENTAL RETARDATION CHILDREN <p>Mental retardation is a condition characterized by low intelligence that causes the individual’s inability to learn and adapt to the demands of society for a perceived abnormality. Individuals of mental retirement certainly will not make the wrong adjustments if parents can accept their presence as well as guide them in the face of environmental demands because in essence they need the attention and support from families, especially parents.The research was aimed to find out the relationship of parents role and social skills of mental retardation childrens.The method used is cross-sectional, Method of sampling in this research using total sampling with sample amount 30 respondents.The result of this research by using Chi-Square test it has been obtained ρ value = 0,023 (ρ&lt; α or ρ &lt; 0,05) and OR=7,46&nbsp; it suggested that there was relation between parents role and social skills of mental retardation childrens.The Conclusion Availability of good role of parents could increase social skills of childrens was mental retardation. Parents as the closest person in child life could help mental retardation childrens to adapt with environment</p> Andan Firmansyah Alya Andriani Nurisriani Najamuddin Suhanda Henri Setiawan Copyright (c) 2020 Pelita Health and Education Journal 2020-07-04 2020-07-04 1 1 1 5 BENEFITS OF APACHE II IN DETERMINING PATIENTS’ LIFE SURVIVAL TREATED IN ICU <p><strong>Background: </strong>The need of critical care in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is increasing. One of service improvement is using prognosis and otcome scoring system which is aimed to assess the severity of disease, ICU performance and determining prognosis of patient. Many staffs in ICU do not apply this kind of scoring because they do nout have sufficient information, so it decreases the quality of service in ICU. Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II is mostly used scoring system. <strong>Aim: </strong>To provide information on accuracy of APACHE II to assess ICU patients' mortality rate. <strong>Methods:</strong> conducted through literature review by analyzing seven CHINAHL journals obtained by searching EBSCO, Pubmed, Google Scholar, and Portal Garuda online databases within the publication of 2015 to 2020 and two textbook sources on critical care. <strong>Results:</strong> reveals that the APACHE II scoring system can be utilized to predict the mortality rate and discriminate the life survival of the patients in the Intensive Care Unit. Additionally, the scoring system will be more accurate when combined with the APM nutrition parameter and applied to non-surgery, sepsis/shock, as well as neurosurgical patients. <strong>Conclusions: </strong>The APACHE-II scoring system has good accuracy in predicting mortality rate especially on non-surgery patients and can properly discriminate patients' life survival. However, the scoring system cannot be applied to all diseases found in ICU.</p> Diah Pujiastuti Mulyani Her Krisnamurti Y. Titik Wahyuningsih Setyo Ningrum Buana Dewo Febialinta Copyright (c) 2020 Pelita Health and Education Journal 2020-07-04 2020-07-04 1 1 6 13 NURSING CARE TO PATIENTS WITH HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM IN DUVALL BUILDING FLOOR II OF OBGYIN AND OBSTETRICS WARD AT KEDIRI BAPTIS HOSPITAL <p><strong>Background: </strong>Hyperemesis gravidarum is a excessive of nausea and vomiting that caused fluid and electrolyte imbalance. Based on data from the Medical Record Kediri Baptist Hospital during December until February 2015 there were 3 patients with hyperemesis gravidarum, nursing problem that often arise was imbalance nutrition less than the body needs. The purpose of case study to do a comprehensive nursing care.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> Design of this final project was case study by comparing two respondents in obgyn and obstetrics ward at Kediri Baptist Hospital. Data were collected for 2 days by implementing a comprehensive nursing care. Nursing care is carried out starting from the assessment, diagnosis, intervention, implementation and evaluation.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The result of case study assessment on respondent I found there are 3 nursing problems, and respondent II found &nbsp;there are 3 nursing problems based on the exist theory there are eight nursing problems. Sign and symptoms doesn’t appear on both respondent. There are interventions that are not planned because of adjusting the patient's condition. Implementation there is a gap in the provision of soft diet on respondents II.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions: </strong>Conclusions on patients with hyperemesis gravidarum in nutritional imbalance problem is less than the body needs can be done independently in the form of health education on diet to pregnant women with hyperemesis gravidarum and encourage patients to add oral intake to meet the nutritional needs.</p> Desi Anggraini Mulyana Copyright (c) 2020 Pelita Health and Education Journal 2020-07-04 2020-07-04 1 1 14 22 NURSING CARE TO PATIENTS WITH HEAD INJURY AT INPATIENT INSTALLATION KEDIRI BAPTIS HOSPITAL <p><strong>Background: </strong>Head injury is a trauma disorder of brain with or without internal bleeding in brain substance, without a subsequent interruption of continuity of the brain. Cases of mild head injury classification are Glasgow Coma Scale score of 13-15, amnesia &lt; 30 minutes, there are no secondary trauma. From the data of Medical Record Kediri Baptist Hospital in last three months (Desember 2015 until February 2016) there were 37 patients with mild injury, and nursing problem that often occur is acute pain. The objective of This studywas to conduct comprehensive nursing care.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> Design of the final project was case study of 2 respondents with mild head injury. The data were collected by providing nursing care within 2 days, and then&nbsp; analyzed by comparing between theory and fact.</p> <p><strong>Results:</strong> The results showed that in diagnosis there is no gap between theory and fact, but not all diagnoses appear on the respondent there are ineffective breathing pattern and risk of infections. In the interventions there is a gap between theory and fact, there are some interventions that are not planned because it does not correspond to the state of the respondents. The results of the evaluation showed that guided imagery relaxation techniques can reduce the acute pain to patients with mild head injury.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions: </strong>In conclusion, patients with mild head injury in acute pain can be implemented independently using health education of guided imagery relaxation techniques&nbsp; to reduce the pain.</p> Dyla Putri Rusilla Copyright (c) 2020 Pelita Health and Education Journal 2020-07-04 2020-07-04 1 1 23 33