• Dyla Putri Rusilla STIKES RS Baptis Kediri
Keywords: Mild Head Injury, Acute Pain, Pain Relaxation Techniques, Guided Imagery


Background: Head injury is a trauma disorder of brain with or without internal bleeding in brain substance, without a subsequent interruption of continuity of the brain. Cases of mild head injury classification are Glasgow Coma Scale score of 13-15, amnesia < 30 minutes, there are no secondary trauma. From the data of Medical Record Kediri Baptist Hospital in last three months (Desember 2015 until February 2016) there were 37 patients with mild injury, and nursing problem that often occur is acute pain. The objective of This studywas to conduct comprehensive nursing care.

Methods: Design of the final project was case study of 2 respondents with mild head injury. The data were collected by providing nursing care within 2 days, and then  analyzed by comparing between theory and fact.

Results: The results showed that in diagnosis there is no gap between theory and fact, but not all diagnoses appear on the respondent there are ineffective breathing pattern and risk of infections. In the interventions there is a gap between theory and fact, there are some interventions that are not planned because it does not correspond to the state of the respondents. The results of the evaluation showed that guided imagery relaxation techniques can reduce the acute pain to patients with mild head injury.

Conclusions: In conclusion, patients with mild head injury in acute pain can be implemented independently using health education of guided imagery relaxation techniques  to reduce the pain.


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How to Cite
Rusilla, D. P. (2020). NURSING CARE TO PATIENTS WITH HEAD INJURY AT INPATIENT INSTALLATION KEDIRI BAPTIS HOSPITAL. Pelita Health and Education Journal, 1(1), 23-33. Retrieved from